A week had passed after the prayer service in memory of Willy's passing. Mikaelo and Arkha are also in Greece for a diamond transaction, and today's plan is that Mikaelo and Arkha will sign up for Milan. But before heading to the city of Milan, Mikaelo intends to stop briefly at his old house in the city of Transylvania, he wants to take the red and blue diamonds that he keeps there. Coincidentally, Mikaelo's client from London, one of the diamond collectors, was eager to find blue and red-eyed diamonds that were already rare.

"Why don't we go straight to Milan, why don't we stop by Transylvania first. Arkha asked Mikaelo.

"Oh yes, there is a client from London who is looking for Arkha's blue and red eye diamond, so I happened to keep it here. Because this antique diamond is no longer available, the client named Mr. Frank Lampard is willing to pay any amount to get what he deserves. target, well I happen to still have it.