Still in the city of Transylvania in Mikaelo's old house. After an hour had passed looking for potions, Arkha finally found her golden medicine jar, then gave it to Mikaelo to give to Augustine.

"Hey Mike here is the medicine that I found it.

"Okay give me, I want smelled the aroma first. Hmm, yes, that's right, thank you Arkha. Hmm but there are two bottles, Please try to look at behind the back where you found the medicine.

"Okay there's one more Mike.

"Okay , I'll just put it in my bag first.

"Hey, what medicine is this?

"Let's see what color the lid of the jar is.

"It's all black in the jar.

"Hahahaha, you don't have to put the medicine, it's medicine for grandpa.

"Hahaha what do you mean grandpa?

"Are you sure, you want to know, but promise me if I tell you, din't ever laugh later.

"Yeah, just tell me, don't make me curious Mike.