Still at the residence of Mr.Cleon, Transylvania. The clock shows 9 am Transylvania time, in New York it is estimated that it is still two in the morning. Cleon and Roneo are preparing to go to Joana's residence to kidnap Arkha, so that Cleon can become a fake Arkha, yes this is the only way so he can have Joana completely. A potion to make Arkha unconscious for a long time. To shorten the time Cleon and Roneo immediately flew to Joana's residence.

"Good morning lord Cleon it's already 9:00 am, so we can move now.

"Oh yeah, in America it's still 02.00 in the morning, so let's go now, don't forget to bring the medicine, okay?

"It's ready, sir, it's already in your coat pocket. Please check it first, sir.

"Okay siip, it's already there, remember it's your job to hypnotize them, then you inject this medicine into Arkha, after that take Arkha and hide him in my palace, precisely in a secret room that no one knows.