Seven days have passed quickly, Dave is in the hospital again to bring Maria home, yes because today Maria can go home because her health has started to improve, even though her eyes can't see after the accident that night with her boyfriend Maria who has irresponsible it.

"Hmm Maria, let's go home, today the doctor said you can go home and take care of yourself at home, brother has also completed all the administration. But the problem with your eyes is that we are all waiting for the right eye donor, for now there is no one.

"Are my eyes really damaged brother, can't they be treated at a more sophisticated hospital.

"Hmm be patience Maria,  I've talked about this with the team of doctors, but as a result of the accident, your eyes can't be repaired anymore your eyes has been damaged.

"Oh my God hikkkss hiksss (Maria is crying), maybe this is a warning for me because when my mother died I didn't come, I'm very sorry for that brother.