.Mahendra: present king of hirangan kingdom

.Amanya/Apeksha: princess of Hiranga, commander general of

serpent army (Serpent Queen) (FL)

.Yuvan: crowned prince of Amai kingdom (ML)

.Naresh: King of Amai

.Abhik: prince of Amai kingdom, younger brother of Yuvan

.Atri: princess of Amai kingdom

.Charan: childhood friend and bodyguard of prince Yuvan.

widely known as righthand of prince Yuvan

.Jiva: crowned prince of Hiranga

.Dhruva: general of serpent army cobra (a.k.a king

cobra),Amanya's BFF1

.Jatin: general of serpent army python, Amanyas BFF2

.Naman: head of cobra group in Amai, also minister in Amai


.Deva: Sub general of cobras in Amai.

.Mekala: daughter of Mahesh; commander general of Amaian army

.Aram: commander of Hawks

Alok: heir of Sayyonee.

.Serpent army: most powerful and widely known for their

ruthlessness, the largest spy network among all the kingdom

whether big or small. Classified into two

cobra: -spy network on neighboring countries

python: -spy network inside Hiranga