Chapter -3

On her way back she found herself caught in a mist of pensiveness.

"I should be glad that Darya is not at risk." But she found herself weird. She was puzzled .

She couldn't stop thinking about that cry, a sound that is very familiar but not familiar. She was bemused ; "something missed my sight".

"Amanya , what are you doing here at this odd hour?"

"What is an odd hour? I was on my night patrolling" She replied Dhruva.

"Night!! Commander, you should say it's a morning check. The guards are about to change their shift."

" I had to tour alone since Jatin was occupied today; but what brought you to Darya?"

"I was looking for you. "

"What happened? "

"Ahh... Not here. Let's go back to headquarters. Jatin is waiting there".

The day dawned slowly. On returning she slowly glanced back. The first rays of sunlight penetrated through the deep canopy of Darya striking the dewdrops over the green flush trees and the red bricks of the fort. It was shining as if it was baptized by the rays. The just risen sun seeped slowly on the city streets and tardily engaged with early morning activities.

She reached the headquarters within an hour. Jatin was despairingly walking in a circle. From that itself she knew there was bad news waiting for her; no it should be probably unpleasant news. Even though Jatin was a very powerful and calm general in war , deep down he is a cute bunny who gets scared easily.

"Amanya ! where were you ?"

"What happened ?"

" The Decade Mekong conference is nearing. "

"Ah! What's there to panic? Jatin, didn't Hiranga already reject it? "

"I think we may be in trouble."

"Stop! stop speaking in circles Dhruva; Jatin tell me what precisely happened"

"General; it's that according to number Hiranga should host the forthcoming Decade Mekong Conference but it was against the rule of strict admissions for non hirangans. So after the decision of voting ministers, we rejected the idea of hosting. But now all the other countries of Mekong have requested reconsideration."

"And what now?"

"The King has ordered a meeting of voting ministers to discuss .So..."

"So as voting ministers we should go right?"

"Amanya what is your plan?"


She turned and smirked at the mirror like she was not at all bothered and was enjoying her wickedness and went to her room leaving them there. Both of them looked at each other;

"She truly lives up to her name : The serpent queen." Jatin sighed.

"Now I think real trouble is on its way." Dhruv completed his words.

A wild wind blew through the windows leaving them befuddled.