Chapter 5: The Prince

I was at home watching the selection of candidates on our old flicker box, of course, I knew I was elected. I had been anticipating it for days, but it all felt so unreal. Still, it could be that I didn't get in after all, that I had too little potential. Leopold had explained to me that even allies could become enemies. It was the game on a chessboard board, we were on the black side and were not allowed to step into the light of the white. I was, so to speak, the wolf in sheep's clothing, the decoy, a spy to stand up for justice. I was certainly not the right person for the job, but now I was in the middle of it.

I was biting my nails in excitement, a habit that only came out when I was desperate. Meg and my mother sat with me, cheering along with me, though for different reasons. My father was reading a newspaper he had snagged at work. It was a satisfaction paper for him, the Bridge Stone, was a lot more entertaining than The Winter White. It reported the truth about the government since the majority thought it wouldn't interest the four of us. All the more reason to go undercover. I once caught him picking up the newspaper from our neighbour's doormat and taking it back to our flat, I of course approached him about it. However, all he said to me was: "Darling, if our neighbours don't even leave their flat, they don't have to care about what's going on". But that is morally reprehensible, isn't one of the ten commandments "thou shalt not steal"? Yes, but I have to pay for other people's laziness with my taxes, so the question is who is stealing from whom? It had not been in good condition then, partly with bloodstains, but still better than the one in the previous apartment building, it was riddled with bullet holes. I looked at my father, who was leafing through the gossip magazine "Finish" with such indifference. He must have taken another one with him. Finish was a kind of bible for threesomes, Madame Pariese swore by it. "Honestly, what are you reading a gossip rag for?" He looked up at me and smiled: "If I'm going to lose my daughter to a prince, I want to know what's going on in this world too." I rolled my eyes, never in my life will I give my heart to that snoot. Luckily plan all I had to do was infiltrate the casting and give information from the palace to my partner in crime every now and then. Leo said the rest he would do, as long as I could get out of it before it got serious, I legally didn't care. My eyes wandered back to the screen, it was indeed a newer model, the previous tenants had graciously let us have it. "What's it about?" I asked, bored. Belle, you haven't been paying attention, we're already on number 15," my little sister reprimanded me. The receptionist reappeared on camera after the commercial break, holding a letter which she opened. She created several artificial pauses: "And our next contestant is...Abgail Armstrong from Mententown, congratulations." There was clapping in the audience. She was handed a new letter, which she immediately opened: "The next lucky lady is ...Sissley Brand of Yorkto, congratulations to you too." So far only twos and threes had been taken, such a miracle. It was getting too tiring for me and I took the powder out of the cupboard, I hated this tortured tension and forced joy in the room. I took a sip. From the living room, I heard the receptionist, whose name I could never remember, speak: "And also, Maybelle, Juliette Woodstock, from the outskirts of Sallto, a happy birthday." I choked and dropped the glass, it clattered on the kitchen floor and the contents scattered on the tiles. I heard my sister shriek. I really should go to the palace, I was now getting bitterly serious. I went back to the living room and was embraced in tears, but I felt numb the whole time.

I went to Madame Parisie for the last time today to say goodbye to her. As soon as I stepped over the threshold I was greeted by a noisy party. No, anything but a gathering of drunks and lunatics. A bouncer stopped me: "Stop, who are you?"

"Maybelle Woodstock, a contestant in this year's casting," why didn't I just say I was a maid? "Well, in that case, I didn't recognise you right away, Miss Woodstock. Have a nice party, and may I have your autograph for my daughter? She's a total fan of yours," his expression was immediately more friendly. I looked at him indignantly, I guess that's how it had to be when you became famous, you got in everywhere. I didn't like everyone knowing who I was, but now it was irreversible. Ok, do you have a pen?" I tried to play my part. He handed me one: "For Maybelle, please." Your daughter is called Maybelle?", I was surprised. , Yes, she was so happy to have a namesake included and such a pretty one at that, they deserve to win." I handed the paper back to him and smiled tentatively: "Well, at least my Cinderella dream will come true." I shrugged my shoulders and went into the house. It was going to be very hard to find Janette Parise among all these people. Suddenly a hand pulled me out of the foyer into the nearest room on the ground floor. The music was muffled by the door. It was dark and I could only make out the outline and that of the other person. "There you are, at last, I was wondering when you'd show up." The scent of mint rose to my nose. Leo, what are you doing here? Weren't you going to retire after I was chosen?" I found myself in some guest room. Yes, that was my original plan, but I couldn't wait to see you again," he stepped closer and I looked for the doorknob on the door. Had he completely lost it now? He put his hand on mine and stopped me from opening the door: "Don't go, please." What's got into you, did you hit your head on the kerb," I whispered in irritation. He stepped closer and held my chin up with his hand: "No, stubborn, ever since I first saw you I can't get you out of my mind." The next moment he placed his lips on mine. I froze and pushed him away from me, slamming into the wooden door. I think I'm going to be bruised. "Belle calms down," he whispered in amusement, "you'll only hurt yourself." I gasped a little and held my back, "I knew it, do you think I'm your plaything? Just so you know, I'm only going along with all this so you'll finally leave me alone. I don't jump when you say so, I still have something like a will of my own!", I walked up to him and slapped him one, "You idiot." Everyone was supposed to hear us, it didn't make any difference now. I stormed out of the room and made my way out of the foyer. Belle, wait a minute," his voice followed me like a shadow. I turned around but couldn't see him and shouted over the crowd: "Leave me alone Leopold!" I ran out of the house and down the driveway. I noticed the flash of the paparazzi, they had spotted me. I was bowled over by questions I didn't want to answer. The bouncer came to my rescue and pushed the crowd back, he whispered to me: "Run girl, run." He didn't need to tell me twice, I ran down the street past the beautiful buildings with the perfect gardens and the fake people. My life would not fall into place as it had a few hours ago, I was a character now, stepping out of the shadows to conquer.

I turned into a side alley without knowing where I was at all. I was still in the posh area, cars were parked in the driveways and cruising the streets. So I should be safe from the Red Watch. I tied my brown bandana around my head so I wouldn't be recognised so quickly. I now went to a park more relaxed and listened to the children playing. Children were all the same, at that age they made no difference whether they were threesomes or foursomes. Still, I noticed their parents moving away from me and their children moving towards keeping away from me. But this time I didn't care, let them think I was unpleasant and toxic for their children. Soon it would change. I stopped on a park bench and buried my head in my hands. How could I be so naïve and not realise that Leopold was an ass, I mean I had kind of noticed it before, but now I had the proof, I was working with a psycho. Ever since that scene in the room my heart was pounding, my emotions were off the rails. They galloped through my whole body and never came to a stop. "Hey, aren't you Belle Woodstock?"

I replied irritably and annoyed that I had been recognised after all: "Who wants to know?" It's all right, it's all right, you just looked so much like her, the same nose." I looked up, a boy with blond hair stood in front of me wearing a blue coat. No camera in sight, no red pin, so not from the Red Watch either. An ordinary civilian, "Have you been crying?" he continued to ask me. Was it obvious? Maybe he just thought I was an addict waiting for her pimp in a family park. No, don't worry," I answered distantly, "I just sat down here to enjoy the warm sun. Congratulations, in the middle of late autumn, you'll never need a coat," I didn't think he bought it, but he was a stranger, I wouldn't see him again. Only now did I feel the cold coming towards me and I started to freeze, I had forgotten my stupid jacket in the villa. Are you cold?" he asked me. No," I answered sarcastically. He took off his coat and handed it to me. "But then you'll be cold, I can't be responsible for that." Why was he so generous to someone like me? "I'm not cold, I'm as hot as summer, but thank you, I guess." He pulled the corner of his mouth up slightly: "You're really welcome to it, I don't ask for anything in return." I hesitated. "Take it already, you don't need a cold girl," he urged me, but not in an unkind way. I finally took it and slipped into the coat, it immediately became warm, it smelled faintly of vanilla. Interesting, for once not like mint. I'd better take off your headscarf, otherwise, you'll be arrested for wearing a different colour. I wanted to stop him, but by then it was too late. My long bronze hair fell over my shoulders. You're Belle, aren't you," he recognised me. "And how do you know I don't just look like her?" "Television, I'm good at remembering faces." From a distance, I heard Leopold call out to me: "Belle?" I flinched. "Is that your boyfriend?" I sighed: "No, but he would like to be, at least I think he would, if you'll excuse me, I have to go now." I hurriedly stood up and threw him my coat: "Thank you and please don't say I was here yes." I ran away, at the next park exit I went out and hoped that the stranger hadn't told on me.

In the evening I was forced by my mother to pack things. Everything so that you doesn't forget us," she kept insisting. "Mum, I'm only two towns away from here, I'm sure I'll be back sooner than either of us thinks." "Belle, you don't know that, maybe you're the love of his life." A very weak argument, because we had never met in person, spoken or he had ever heard of me. Now leaving aside the draw. "The prince is not interested in me." Papperlapapp, don`t look to the black side my child, you are beautiful. The word is also included in your name."

The day finally arrived. In the morning I was picked up by a limousine and drove around for about an eternity. There were other girls in the car, but I didn't want to talk to them. They only talked about their clothes, shoes and the prince, I had to pull myself together not to throw up. So far I was the only one from the fourth caste, my dress was plain in a soft grey. Mum had given it to me. I kept unfolding the note I had found in my bag this morning. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you, but our mission must not depend on it, please fall in love with the prince and steal his heart!" I crumpled the letter and opened the carriage window, tore it into a thousand pieces and the wind carried it away. The mission could stay where the pepper grew, just like Leopold, I'll just make sure to get out as soon as possible at the next opportunity and get on with my life. I honestly preferred that to be a spy. The car stopped, through the darkened windows I saw the flash of lightning and I immediately felt uncomfortable. When had we arrived? I would be the first to get out, help. I almost couldn't breathe, everything around me blurred. I panicked and asked the girl next to me: "Please, can we change seats quickly?" She looked at me angrily, her diamond earrings jumping right into my face: "Why just so you can step on my train, forget it. You four." Ok, with her I would not have a girlfriend on my side for once.

My heartbeat was faster when I looked outside again and I couldn't move. The door opened and a hand was held out to me. Trembling I got out, my light heels gave me quite little support, I had bought the shoes in a high sale, they were dark grey. Generally, I didn't wear jewellery, why should I? I didn't have any, my hair was pinned up in a bun. The fabric was fine linen and slightly fitted. All in all, I was not very appealing. It was very difficult for me to breathe, every single photographer almost beat me to death with his apparatus. I walked awkwardly past the press people and smiled a little, after a while I even tried waving, but I didn't answer questions. I was now in front of the stairs leading into the palace. I stood there as if I had been ordered and not picked up. Should I wait for the others? Was I allowed to go in already? There were hardly any eyes on me because the other candidates had already got out and were busy answering questions. I watched the crowd, it was all definitely not my world. I crossed my arms slightly in front of my chest, I was tapped on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you'll get used to it." I recognised it from his voice, it was Prince Nicolas, I made sure to keep a safe distance.