Chapter 21: Little Love Of Mine

I stood up and before I had turned around everything started to become too much for me and I could no longer breathe. The voices distorted in my ears, I heard them like an echo. I walked slowly then faster past the tables, dodged the ladies and finally ran away from the party. I could breathe less and less, even when I ran the pressure could not be released from me. My tears streamed down my cheeks, I can't do it, I can't take their only son from them, not even if it meant I stayed alive. He didn't deserve it, he was an idiot but one of the good kind. I ran and ran, I didn't know where I was going. At some point, my feet couldn't take it anymore either and I was forced to stop. I pressed my hand against my mouth to cover up the sobs. I was probably far enough away that everyone could hear me, but I hated it when I showed weakness, even in front of myself. I kept twitching, my hand full of black drops, my mascara probably smeared. I just cried softly and wiped the rest dry with my other hand. I froze when I saw another person standing next to me. "Belle...", his face was pale, his eyes frightened. I sniffled briefly but made no reply. The prince was out of breath, he had followed me. "I... I wanted to know what was going on. You disappeared so suddenly and I...", he stammered then pulled a pointed handkerchief out of his open jacket. Wordlessly, he handed it to me. I did not react: "Please take it, you should be able to dry your tears." I had no choice and use it. "May I ask what happened, you spoke to mother and father, did they insult you in any way? If so, please, I swear they are perfectly nice people, they just don't know any me."

I shook my head and handed him the cloth again, our fingers brushing briefly. Everything inside me tingled at that touch and I didn't want it to stop. I looked into his eyes and he into mine. I averted my eyes again and looked at the ground. I was on a lawn that had a chequered pattern. Alternating dark green and light tiles. "May I hug you?" his voice was so hesitant.

I nodded, yes I wanted him to touch me, I wanted that tingle on my skin again. He approached me and first took my hand, pulling me gently towards him and finally I found myself sheltered in his arms. I could feel his heart pounding against mine. This rhythm calmed me. I leaned my head against his chest. "Will you tell me the reason for your disappearance?" I clutched at his jacket. He whispered: "I understand, you don't want to tell me, I hope you feel better now." I nodded again. "Thank you, Nicolas," I whispered. There was silence for a while. He lifted his chest: "I know I said I would choose my date, but I was hoping, I mean I would want you to say you want to have it with me. I mean a proper none " I twitched for a second. Did he want to have a date with me? I didn't know what to say, it was just...

He cleared his throat and laughed sheepishly: "I probably shouldn't stay out so late, or they'll start wondering where I am. By the way, I have something else for you." He detached himself from me and took a small box out of his pocket. The prince handed it to me: "I saw it and I thought of you, you can decide if you want to keep it." I opened my gift and read golden curved writing FOR BELLE THE BEAUTIFUL. Inside the box, I saw a small mint leaf and a bell both shiny silver. "What is this?", I tilted my head.

"It's a little necklace, the mint leaf and the bell are a pendant. The mint because that was our first conversation and the bell because there was a word in old German that is pronounced the same as your name, you must know it Glöckchen. I saw it at the jeweller's and I couldn't get it out of my head."

I was still speechless, I had never been given a gift before. He had thought about it, I was touched. Even though, I was wondering why he knew about my heritage. He took both my hands for a moment, my heart pumping immediately stronger: "I'm afraid I have to go now, I hope you like it, but if it's too much for you...I'm not angry with you, ok?'' Nicolas detached himself from me and went back.

I followed him a little later, I wanted to collect myself before I stepped in front of the camera. A make-up artist spotted me and complained about my appearance, but I would be lucky again because they wouldn't start setting everything up for the decision for another 10 minutes. While I was in the mask, I looked at the little box I had been given. I played with it in my hands and had to smile slightly. It was sweet of him.

It was the usual hustle and bustle again, all the tripods and lights were set up. King Mehr and Queen Alice had changed, Nicolas was pacing nervously. Individual staff members swarmed around the garden, adjusting chairs here and there or touching up make-up. When it was finally announced that we were starting, I was already nervous. I wonder who he, the prince, had chosen? Nicolas came up to the podium and spoke: "Dear ladies, thank you very much for having the courage to talk to me today. I had a very good chat with you all and learned a thing or two about you, but even though it was so nice. Was there a lady I would like to pay more attention to?" He put on his fake smile. Various camera movements were conducted. They wanted to capture reactions from us. We all sat at our tables our eyes fixed on the prince. He also looked at us one by one, but at me, he stayed longer and suddenly he was beaming and it was real. He quickly turned away and closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was out of his mind.

He continued: "But I don't want to mention the lady's name, she knows it is her. I wish you all a good evening, I hope you can end it well." Nicolas departed. Not to be expected, a murmur resonated through the crowd. Questions arose everyone naturally wanted to know who the mystery lady was supposed to be. I hefted myself with a secret smile. The necklace on my neck with the pendants swung slightly back and forth. I was happy for the first time in my life.