capter 3 Nuestra Vida part 2

"Akhhh" Aletta shouted as the glass fell to the floor. Ironically, the hot water in the glass actually hit Aletta's feet.

"Aletta?!" the father appeared from behind the kitchen door. Him face looked worried after hearing screams of pain and objects breaking.

"its Hot dad!" Aletta said then showed her hands and feet were red and looked like they were about to scald.

"Oh, my God...!" Aksara lost him mind when he saw Aletta's hands and feet were red and almost blistered. He immediately picked up Aletta like a baby koala and carried her into the living room.

"Father will get the ointment!" Anxious Aksa immediately ran to the second floor and returned in a very short time.

"Ahhh... It hurts!" Aletta whined when she felt Aksa's finger touch the hot water mark.

"Why make coffee while daydreaming?!" Aksara said slowly and carefully while applying ointment to Aletta's feet.

For a moment, Aksara felt strange. Because, he didn't hear Aletta's whimpering or babbling. He raised his head and he shocked when he saw his face Aletta was full of tears, biting her lip to keep her sobs from being heard.

"Aletta.. Aletta babby... dad didn't mean to scold you," Aksara cupped Aletta's face while wiping Aletta's tears with her thumb.

"But... But... just now dad... puppy got mad at me, even though I just wanted to brew a cup of coffee for you!" Aletta voiced her heart interspersed with sobs.

"I'm sorry..." Aksara persuaded while slapping his own face.

"stop dad... Don't hit again!" Aletta grabbed Aksa's hand and held it tightly.

"I love you daddy!" said the girl in her trademark hoarse voice after crying.

"daddy loves Aletta more!" The father hugged his daughter, taking away her beloved daughter's sad feelings.

" I loves dad more!" Aletta didn't want to lose. Even challenged his father by looking directly into his father's eyes.

"No, I loves you more, Aletta!" I don't want to lose.

"Daddy...!" Aletta exclaimed annoyed that her father would not budge.

"okay, okay... you love me the most," Aksa rubbed the top of him daughter's head while hugging her.

"Does your wound still hurt? Is there anything else?!" asked Aksa without letting go of her hand.

"No dad"

"Okay, then, daddy will carry you to the room, huh?!" Aksa said when he felt Aletta tighten him arms around her father's big body.

"In a moment dad, let it be for a while like this," Aletta muttered softly in a trembling voice to hold back her tears.

"Honey, what's wrong?"Aksa panicked at Aletta's trembling voice.

Moreover Aletta's grip on her body was so strong that she could feel Aletta's entire front body. 'What was I thinking?! '-, Aksa cursed herself.

"Aletta will go to college starting tomorrow, daddy will work. We will lose a lot of time and can't do this as we like," said Aletta.

Aletta's words sounded ambiguous. But in an instant that thought changed and she understood what him daughter meant. "I won't be working overtime unless it's urgent, if so, then I'll pick you up first. So we still have some quality time!" Obviously the father reassured his daughter that everything would be fine.

"I love you dad!" Aletta whispered before falling asleep in Aksa's arms.

"I love you too dear!" Aksa replied with a warm peck on his daughter's cheek and forehead. Then Aksa took Aletta to the girl's room.

"Good night baby... I loves you so much!" Aksa gently caressed Aletta's forehead. Aksa stared straight at her slightly opened mouth. "Sweet dreams, dear!" Aksa pecks her daughter's forehead again.

Then a moment after that, Aksa's eyes focused on Aletta's tiny lips. Aksa immediately straightened her body again. After making sure the blanket was warm enough for Aletta. Aksa returned to her own room which was right next to Aletta's room.

Remembering what had happened a while ago. About what went through his mind when he saw Aletta sleeping with her mouth slightly open. He was almost tempted to peck Aleta's lips.

"Just a peck," Aksa threw away the negative thoughts that started to float in him brain. "But it's lips!" Aksa began to get frustrated with her own behavior. "Akgghh..." he annoyed ruffled the bed.

He was annoyed and confused at the same time. He thought it was just a peck, but why was he pounding just imagining it?.

Aksa's chest skipped a beat every time he remembered Aletta's pink lips. Those lips bloomed, and looked very soft. It made him want to feel it even more. His chest rumbled louder as he recalled how gently every part of Aletta had touched her. Aksa immediately shook him head vigorously, dispelling her wandering thoughts.

"She is your daughter!" cursed himself.

"But I can't dodge!" he said weakly.

He was quite aware, ever since he accompanied Aletta to sleep, he started to feel dependent on Aletta. He realized that those feelings could grow in the wrong direction over time.

"Is Aletta like that too?" Akasa panics. This can't be happening, Aletta can't have feelings for him, or is she going too far?.

Aksa calmed him mind with a glass of mineral water and lay down. Aksa closed her eyes, believing in him heart that 'everything will be fine tomorrow'. Nothing will change from their relationship, he will keep what is already there. He didn't want Aletta to know the fact that he was just an adopted child. Aksa wants everything to go on as usual, so that Aletta can still feel safe and have a home to return to.

Yes, his and Aletta should be fine.

