capter10 Aroma de jabón


At this late hour, the air now should be very cold. Yes, Aletta felt cold under Aksa's thick blanket. Aletta's body moved restlessly, seeking warmth. Aletta moved left, right, facing down and returned to her original position. Just to seek warmth and a comfortable position. Aletta even took an unexpected position so that she could get the warmth and comfort she wanted.

Now, Aletta was in a position to hug Aksa's big body. The tiny hands wrapped around Aksa's body. He was the one who woke up half an hour ago because Aletta was moving to and fro while sleeping. And that's quite annoying.

As time passed, Aletta's arms tightened. Hugged the big body beside him. Aletta tried to absorb Aksa's warmth, because Aletta felt cold. This is different from acute which actually feels hot. He couldn't stand the current position of Aletta who was holding him tightly. After all, he was still a normal man, and they were not related by blood.

Slowly, Aksa let go of Aletta's hand. Aksa tried to free herself from Aletta's arms carefully. He didn't want to disturb Aletta's deep sleep. The sad thing was, the girl was sleeping soundly and with an innocent look on her face.

Aksa studied Aletta's innocent face. Beautiful and very seductive from the point of view of a normal man. Before his senses died, Aksa immediately rose from her position. He put a pillow in him stead to be hugged by Aletta. Then he added another blanket to keep Aletta warmer. Now, Aletta's tiny body is covered by 2 thick bed covers. Aska just wanted to make sure Aletta, got enough warmth, when she needed it. She is a really pampered girl.

After finishing with Aletta's business, now Aksa rushed to the bathroom. While taking the towel, Aksa took the time to look at the alarm on the nightstand. It was 4 in the morning. That is, for almost 2 hours he was interrupted by Aletta by accident. Yes, Aksa is aware, Aletta has no intention of making Aksa feel hotter because of unwanted sexual desire. These are all natural instincts of Aksa, who haven't touched adult women in a long time.

Aksa's footsteps touched the cold ceramic tiles. Hhe stops in the bathroom. Aksa immediately took a shower to refresh his body. Only took a short shower, and only about 20 minutes Aksa came out of the bathroom. A towel wrapped around his slender waist. Then he reached for the clothes he wore before taking a shower. On purpose, Aksa wore the same clothes as before.He didn't want Aletta to think that he was doing something she shouldn't have done.

Although that's true.After getting dressed, Aksa turned to Aletta who was covered in a blanket. He came closer, then took the blanket he added to Aletta's body. Aksa took off one of the blankets, so Aletta was just wrapped in the blanket like before. Aletta didn't need a second blanket, because he was already there.

Aksa climbed the bed, returned to her position to change the bolster in Aletta's arms. Aksa did everything slowly, because he didn't want to disturb Aletta's deep sleep. Aksa smiled when he heard Aletta's soft snoring. His snoring was so small that it didn't bother other people, instead it sounded funny in Aksa's ears.

Maybe Aletta was really tired because the girl was snoring. Aksa lay facing Aletta, his hands reached out to hug Aletta back. Then fell asleep peacefully with Aletta.


"Dad..." A hoarse voice tickled Aksa's ears, but he ignored it. Aksa still kept his eyes closed because he was half asleep. In that state it is a state where a person sleeps, yet he can hear sounds around him."Daddy... Wake up!" Aletta shouted, finally waking Aksa who still wanted to sleep a little longer. To be honest, he was still sleepy because he only slept less than 2 hours ago. When Aksa opened his eyes, she found Aletta in his arms. And the girl seems to have a sullen face.

"Hmm? What's wrong, dear?" Asked Aksa is rubbing his eyes to get rid of sleepiness. He was trying to wake up from his sleep that had only been a few hours. "Daddy hugs me really hard. I can't get up!" she pursed her lips in annoyance. Aksa felt exasperated to see Aletta who pursed her lips in a sulk. Seeing Aletta's sulky expression, Aksa laughed. His hand reached out to pinch Aletta's pouting lips while laughing. Not much different from Aksa, Aleta also admires Aksa's chuckling and face. But she mumbled it in her heart. 'God he is so handsome'-, Aletta thought when she saw Aksa laughing with a face that had just woken up.

"5 more minutes!" beg Aksa while chuckling accompanied by a tight hug. "Daddy... Shortness of breath!" Aletta whined spoiled squealing feeling tight in Aksa's arms. "Last night, who hugged daddy first?, Who disturbed daddy's sleep with a tight hug?!" Aksa asked comparing what happened a few hours ago.

"Huh?" Aletta looked surprised. A few moments later Aletta's face turned red with embarrassment. She just understood what Aksa meant."I don't know, I didn't mean to either! Aletta defended herself with a spoiled voice that Aksa could never refuse.

"Yes, yes... Now be quiet for a moment!" Aksa was annoyed because in the end she lost to Aletta. Aletta just silently obeyed the wishes of her father who wanted to hug her for the next 5 minutes. But suddenly Aletta's brow furrowed, she realized that there was something odd here. Something smells that bothered Aletta's brain.

"Daddy, why does soap smell like soap?" Aletta asked suddenly. She, pulling her head out from behind Aksa's arms. Aletta smelled the scent of soap from Aksa. The smell was still quite thick like he had just finished taking a shower."Em... That's... daddy..." Aksa seemed to think for a long time to think of a reasonable reason for Aletta. Surely he wouldn't let her go until he got a satisfactory answer. 'I shouldn't have asked for 5 minutes!'-,Regretted Aksa in her heart.

"Why do you take a shower early?!" He finally got an excuse after hearing Aletta's annoyed statement. Aksa answered Aletta

"because, Letta's drool made daddy's clothes wet! daddy had to take a shower earlier!" Lie!

Of course lie, she no drool. Everything is pure lies. There was no way he could say that last night he had a crush on Aletta. Because his body responded very well to Aletta's embrace. So good, Aksa had to take a bath twice in one night, so that everything was fine.

"You're lying!" Aletta did not accept that she was being called a drool.

"No," answered Aksa quickly, not wanting to lose.

'Of course, it's a lie! '-, Aksa chuckled in his heart.

"Ahhh... I don't want to know... daddy's wrong!" Annoyed, Aletta forced Aksa's embrace from her body.

With a rough movement, Aletta rose from her position. The first one lay down, then she sat with her arms folded across her chest. Her lips pouted in annoyance."Hump... One day I'll definitely prove it, that I'm innocent." Her determination. Her hands are clenched in a firm fist.

'Of course, it's not your fault, dear'-, Aksa thought, feeling guilty for lying to Aletta.

In an instant Aletta was gone. She ran to his room after seeing the alarm clock which was pointing to 7 exactly.

"The spoiled girl I love so much!" Aksa said with a smile.

Aksa left his room, headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them. Yes, it's just the two of them. The world belongs to both of them. Uh, no, the house belongs to both of them. That's just right.

