capter 16 decisión

One month passed after Aletta's decision that night, everything seemed so short. Everything went according to Aletta's wish and exactly like Aksa's plan. This time, good fortune was with them, because Aksa was very grateful for it.

Aletta's campus life is not so difficult, because Aletta can easily make new friends, including Kayla. A woman who was the same age as Aletta. She was the first person to greet Aletta at the new student activities.

And amazingly, they are in the same major and class, so they are good friends. Although people often say they can get along because they are equally beautiful, but that's not what makes them closer.

If asked for a specific reason, Aletta couldn't answer it other than comfortable. Because of that comfort, they became very close even in a short time.

Even though they are still new students, both of them were already very popular, because of the charming looks so many people talk about them, both boys and girls.

Of the many who have praised, don't forget the heaters who always criticize anything about Aletta and Kayla. But both of them don't care, because they feel it's not important.

Another reason why they became popular faster than the other newbies even though they are much prettier than Aletta and Kayla is the fact that Aletta rejected Yudistira twice in a short time, and another surprising fact is that Kayla is Yudistira's younger sister.

At first, Aletta didn't know that fact, but 2 months after officially becoming a new student, she found out and understood why Kayla wanted to greet her first.

Of course, Aletta was shocked when she learned that fact, but after listening to Kayla's explanation, Aletta understood and understood. After all, otherwise, she wouldn't have had a friend like Kayla, and she didn't mind the story behind their meeting either.

Because every meeting has its own story.

After that they remained good friends, even though Kayla initially felt guilty, but tried Aletta to convince Kayla with all her heart, Finally everything returned to normal, even closer than before.

8 months after Aletta found out that fact, a piece of big news was heard throughout the campus. A rumor that Yudistira Handoko had been rejected by Aletta Dirgantara, a student majoring in business management.

Unfortunately, the rumors are true.

Aletta completely rejected the man who had been admired by many other students. And unfortunately, Aletta rejected Yudistira 2 times in 1 year aka 2 semesters.

Aletta was not attracted to Yudhisthira in the slightest, even though she admitted that the young man was quite handsome, but for Aletta, her father was more handsome and very perfect in her eyes.

Not only Aletta's personal opinion about Aksa's good looks, but whenever they go to a public place Aksa always gets the attention of the women, even though there is already such a beautiful Aletta who fortifies Aksa, still some people secretly steal glances at Aksa.

But Yusitira is also handsome, it's just that the rumors of the male playboy annoy Aletta, so she never responds to Yudistira in the slightest.

Many called Aletta stupid for rejecting the 'perfect' human they said. Unfortunately, in Aletta's eyes, it is not so.

"Wahhh... That's it, that's it... Look..." Several women whispered as Aletta passed by with Kayla.

It was clear that Aletta was indifferent and didn't care about what envious people said.

Then what about Kayla?

Kayla was not bothered by the news, ever since Aletta found out that she was Yudhisthira's sister, she had promised that there would be no business between her friendship and her brother, and she would not interfere either. If her brother wants Aletta, let her fend for herself.

And so everything passed by without realizing Aletta had passed 2 semesters well, even though many were still talking about it.

"Wow... are you watching black, pink on live IG tomorrow night?" Kayla asked enthusiastically when the two of them had taken their strategic seats.

"No," Aletta answered simply.

"Why? "

"Why I must look at it?" Aletta asked back.

"Are you crazy, Black Pink, the only cool Korean band in my opinion? You also like Let! Do you not like it anymore?" asked Kayla is excited. As long as there are no lecturers, just relax.

"Lat, Let... Letta! it's no good calling me a quarter like that!" Aletta is annoyed. Then the girl continued to say to Kayla, "I asked, why should I watch on it? It's clear I'm going to Jakarta on the 10th to visit my grandmother and grandfather,"

"To Jakarta? It's good to be able to see the black, pink concert live!" She said pretending to be sad.

"Come on, don't be sad, it doesn't suit you!" jokes Aletta.

The two of them laughed again, forgetting about the black pink concert that was going to be held in Jakarta. Either watching or just being a discourse.


Aletta had been standing outside the campus fence since 10 minutes ago, waiting for her father to pick her up. It was 4 pm and Aletta was very tired and wanted to rest soon, but her father never arrived.-Until a few minutes later Aksa's car arrived.

"I'm sorry baby.... daddy's late," Aksa got out of the car. Aksa pulled Aletta to hug her.

"Forgive me or not?" asked Aksa to open the car door.

"Morotresno mie Ayam!" said Aletta pretending to be angry while getting into the car whose door had been opened by Aksa.

She wasn't angry at all, she was quite understanding of the situation her father was at work and might be stuck in traffic. She did this so her father wouldn't have to feel guilty for keeping her waiting.

"Of course princess" Aksa ran around the car and sat in the driver's seat.

According to Aletta's wish, the two of them are now enjoying a jumbo portion of Mie Ayam dish on the side of the road.

"Dad!" Aletta called, wiping her mouth from the rest of the smudged gravy.

"Hmm?" Aksa lifted her head from the cellphone screen, which caught Aksa's attention and made Aletta jealous of Aksa's handphone.

"I think you don't need to pick me up to campus."

"Why?" Aksa asked directly looking at Aletta in surprise.

"I'm going home by bus, so you don't have to be tired from picking me up," Aletta made an offer to Aksa who was immediately rewarded with a quick shake.

"No" Aksa quickly refused.

"Why?" Beta Aletta.

"You still know this area well baby!" Aksa gave reasons for her disapproval of Aletta's wishes.

After saying that, Aksa returned to typing on the handphone screen a second after the message came in. Aletta frowned in confusion, her father didn't usually play with his handphone while eating.

"But Dad, I'm in the 3rd semester!" Aletta tried to negotiate even though she knew the odds were slim, but she didn't give up.

But Aksa didn't respond, instead, he stood up to pay for their meal at the cashier counter.

Aletta was annoyed, but her attention was turned to the handphone that Aksa left behind. She immediately grabbed Aksa's handphone, but when she was about to open the handphone screen to find out what made her father so interested in handphones, she failed. 'Daddy's phone has a passcode? But since when? ' Aletta thought.

Soon a chat notification appeared on the screen window, so Aletta could read the incoming message.

From: Sekre

Thanks for today, sir!

When she saw Aksa return, Aletta immediately put Aksa's phone back in its original place and acted as nothing had happened. And they went home.

Aletta's mind was focused on the short message earlier, trying to understand what it meant.

However, unable to find the answer on her own, Aletta growled in annoyance, 'thank you for what? What did daddy do that made his subordinates send a private short message? '- Aletta thought, frustrated.

'What are they doing!'

