por Ancol

tired of playing in the playground, now the three of them sat at the dining table awkwardly, especially Aletta, and sat with their backs straight with a blush on their cheeks.

How could it not be, after being caught by Kayla earlier, Aletta didn't talk much because she was ashamed of herself. despite the fact that she and Yudhisthira held hands not because they were being intimate but because Aletta wanted to encourage the man.

But what can they do, even though they don't mean it like that, those who see it must have their own judgments like Kayla, who they are passionately passionate about.

"Hey… no need to be so embarrassed!" Kayla exclaimed, moving her body slightly so that she was on the table, then her hand reached out to pick the ice cream in Aletta's bowl.

Aletta, who saw her friend's behavior, scowled in annoyance, plus Kayla's previous words made Aletta feel even more wrong.

"N-N-no, I don't know why," Aletta replied to Kayla's words by stammering out of nervousness.