La Vaganza Ambigua

"Listen, good daddy, Albert Einstein once said something like 'everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing it's stupid! always proud of his craftsmanship!" Aksa clearly explained an explanation which he quoted from the wise words of Albert Einstein.

"The light is green!" Aletta whispered with her head lowered.

He was not sad at Aksa's scolding or advice, it was true what his father said, but still, he felt very failed. But there's no way he's stuck in a failure.

"I do not want to!" Aletta's scream suddenly startled Aksa, who started to wonder if he was being too rude when he spoke until Aletta looked down a few moments ago.

Aksa was starting to worry about the sentence he said earlier, whether it was offending Aletta's pride or something else, Aksa was really worried a while ago.

Yes, it was at least a few moments before the girl suddenly shouted.