El Abrazo Calmado

Aletta's eyes opened wide, the girl's eyes suddenly widened, she really couldn't believe her eyes. In front of him, the man who had always treated himself with gentle speech and warm eyes, was now shouting at him right in the face and looking at him with an angry look.

But in the next few seconds, Aletta's eyes immediately filled with tears when she heard the helpless sincere plea from her father, Aksa.

'What have I done?'_ Aletta thought in frustration to herself.

Aletta really regrets saying her opinion, not saying an opinion that becomes regret, but the sentence she said to her father, it might have hurt his father, or even opened an old wound that he was trying to cover.

"Dad..." Aletta called, shaking, she was no less scared than Aksa, only afraid that the two of them had different contexts.

Aletta's hand reached out to lift her father's head, but before he could touch his father's fine beard chin, Aletta shook her head hard.