Happy Reading



Aletta, Kayla and Yudhisthira, now the three of them are sitting in a Padang food restaurant. After walking around not finding the right mood, because they were bored with the same food menu, this time they tried a food menu that they had never been to. Namely, Ampera Padang cuisine.

After a few minutes of waiting, their menu finally arrived. The restaurant worker delivered the iced tea first, then he came back with a plate containing white rice which was sprinkled with curry sauce, then there were several menus placed on small plates according to their order.

Today, they will eat big, eat until they are full, until each stranger's stomach can't hold anything else. Until their stomachs hard and stiffen.

"enjoy your meal!" said Aletta after reading the prayer with a flash reading, then she washed her hands in her special kobokan water.

"That doesn't seem too foreign!" said Yudhisthira, starting to clean his hands, then took the desired side dish.