Heaven Devouring and Myriad Changes

His final ability he could choose was a special ability, which included anything that modified or added to his body. The abilities he had seen included those that could improve his eyesight to an immense degree, those that could have him grow additional arms or other limbs and even abilities that added things such as claws to his body, but in the end there wasn't a single doubt in Gaofeng's mind about his choice. He thus appeared beside another red object, this time it was a thick red vine with a beautiful flower at its end. This divine special ability was called "Heaven Devouring", and in simple terms it was a technique which formed a form of plant-life which could be called the Heaven Devouring Vine, and this plant could be nourished and grown within Gaofeng's body. The vine was malleable and could be turned into for example defensive armor or offensive vines with the flowers becoming mouths capable of devouring even heaven itself. When Gaofeng now found himself in the trial of this divine ability, he had become a young gardener that tended to only a single plant, a Heaven Devouring Vine. This kind of trial wasn't something you could get over with quickly and thus Gaofeng simply continued taking care of this Heaven Devouring Vine, learning its characteristics, and especially learning by feeding it. Eventually he realized that this Heaven Devouring Vine most enjoyed eating natural treasures, other plants, and inner-cores that were extracted from either beast or cultivator. This version of Gaofeng also had some cultivation, although not too high of a cultivation, and thus he was able to gather some heavenly treasures and cores from beasts that attacked him or cultivators that attempted to rob him of his Heaven Devouring Vine. Eventually Gaofeng changed his tactic to instead actively go out to hunt for such treasures, and thus he for the first time absorbed the Heaven Devouring Vine into himself for it to feast on whatever treasures he could find. After continuing as such for decades, this Heaven Devouring Vine finally showed its true might and transformed into a golden-red armor that completely covered the entirety of Gaofeng's body. At that moment Gaofeng felt that his strength had been multiplied by an entire one hundred times his normal power, and a feeling of having gained true power arose in his mind. The illusory world disappeared and with it the Heaven Devouring Vine divine technique and the spiritual apparition representing the Heaven Devouring Vine was absorbed into Gaofeng's soul space.

After Gaofeng had thoroughly absorbed these different spiritual apparitions, a total of five of them could be seen in Gaofeng's soul, a heaven-rendering staff, a radiant star, a divine dragon with the Yin-Yang symbol on its forehead, an ominous sea of blood and an enormous vine with a red flower in one end. Gaofeng calmly felt his soul-power and realized that it had been multiplied by many times that of his initial amount, perhaps his soul was a thousand times stronger, maybe ten thousand? He couldn't be sure, but he instinctively knew that it was an intended secondary function of the Golden Tablet, as one would need a great amount of soul force to be able to handle the primary divine technique, the sphere in the middle of this enormous space that stood out like a dragon among ants. It was akin to a black hole which every other divine technique in this space circulated and worshipped like their progenitor and God. This time, Gaofeng didn't attempt to immediately touch this black hole, but instead he sat down in the empty space outside of the black hole, and mediated on what he had already experienced within the worlds of the trials he had completed. The feelings, images, intents and emotions he had felt in those moments played in his mind again and again until he felt that he had gained a better grasp of these abilities. When he felt like he had somewhat consolidated these new abilities, he still didn't touch the black hole. Gaofeng felt that this coming trial would be far more difficult than even all the previous trials combined, and thus he didn't dare to treat it with carelessness. When Gaofeng first entered into this space, he knew that this black hole was the true technique of the Golden Tablet, and that this was his true goal. There was no information regarding this technique, however, except that it was a cultivation technique called "Divine Myriad Changes". Just its aura overwhelmed every other divine ability in this space, so Gaofeng was sure that no matter what the essence of this technique was, it was more valuable than every other ability in this space combined.

When Gaofeng felt that he had mediated upon all the information he had, he finally touched the black hole. This time, however, he didn't simply appear in a trial world, but was instead sucked into the black hole itself together with his physical body, re-combining with it in the process. When he finally appeared within the black hole, he found himself in a classroom, with an elder wearing azure robes standing at a desk in the front of the classroom. The elder spoke with an unhurried pace, "Welcome, Shangsheng Gaofeng. You are the 1330089th person to attempt to gain the acknowledgement of the Divine Myriad Changes, may you do your utmost. Of these 1330089 people, a total of 7 people have gained the initial success and have been bestowed the initial Divine Myriad Changes technique, but so far no-one has obtained the true essence of the technique, nor the way in which to condense their Divine Myriad Change Heart. I, the spiritual representative of the Myriad Change Heart, will be the one administering your test. You may call me Myriad. Throughout this trial there will be three parts. One part is to gain the initial acknowledgement of the Divine Myriad Changes and the first part of the technique, the second part is to obtain the true essence of the technique, and the third is to obtain the technique to cultivate your Divine Myriad Change Heart."