The second trial

The main part of his new cultivation technique revolved around his Holy Yin-Yang physique and his powerful heart-realm. This tailored cultivation technique was the way in which Gaofeng could not only combine his Yin-Yang elements into a completely new force on a completely different level, but also a way for Gaofeng to evolve his physique on a fundamental level to what the cultivation technique referred to as the "Primordial Chaos Origin Physique". This kind of physique was not something one could be born with, as it was too powerful for the heavens to have the qualifications to bestow it on anyone. It was powerful enough to transcend heaven altogether. Achieving this Primordial physique was far out of range of the current Gaofeng, however, as this could only be achieved upon completing the initial realm of the Divine Myriad Changes technique. Normally, anyone with a specific cultivation talent would cultivate far slower in an environment which wasn't filled with the specific qi that suited their cultivation talent, however Divine Myriad Changes completely overturned this notion, as it gave Gaofeng a method with which he could absorb any kind of qi and transform it to its origin, to Yin and Yang qi.

When Gaofeng opened his eyes after this long period of mediation upon completion of the Divine Myriad Changes initial boundary, the elder with the azure robe was standing beside him without making a single noise. Even his breathing couldn't be heard, and Gaofeng felt no warmth from his body. Gaofeng looked questioningly up at the elder, and the elder met his eyes with a warm smile. "I am quite pleased with your performance, but the next tests are far more dangerous. I want you to know that all the previous candidates who attempted the second test died to never be reincarnated. Do you still wish to continue with this in mind?" The elder looked into Gaofeng's eyes with a great intensity, but in his mind the elder already knew that Gaofeng would attempt the second trial. This elder didn't have a name, or a family, or an actual life, but he considered every person that passed the first trial to be a descendant of his and thus he was worried for their lives and safety. He had no authority to go against the rules of the trial however, and had no choice but to continue the trial if Gaofeng so wished. Gaofeng answered unwaveringly, with an expression which almost showed a hint of rage due to being doubted, upon seeing the worry in the elder's face "I am going to pass the next trial, and the one after that, as the only person in history. Don't you dare doubt me." When hearing the fiery tone in the youths voice, the elder first became slightly annoyed at this youngster's tone, but then he realized that such confidence and tenacity was necessary to become one of the greats and thus he quickly praised the youth in his mind rather than scolding him. The elder simply stated "Alright, let it be so. The second trial will commence immediately."

The elder clapped his hands once and their surroundings instantly changed to become that of a very curious place. They seemed to find themselves on top of a volcano, but what Gaofeng saw when he looked down into the volcano was one dark red liquid and one light blue liquid intertwining. The elder looked down at Gaofeng and carefully explained "This is a Holy Rebirth Pool which utilizes the power of Yin and Yang to completely reshape the body and evolve it to a Dao body, making it completely perfect and harmonious with the grand dao. Such a transformation using a rebirth pool can only happen once in one's lifetime, and the earlier one does it the better. However, if one isn't powerful enough one's body and soul will disintegrate and perish, to forever not be reincarnated. Normally it would be impossible for you to survive being reborn, but the second part of the Divine Myriad Changes technique can enable you to survive as long as you can bear the pain. If you pass out at any given time, the Divine Myriad Changes technique will be disabled, and you will undoubtably die. Thus, this is a test of your tenacity and capacity to endure pain in addition to seeing if you can achieve the talent required to fully cultivate the Divine Myriad changes, as without being reborn there will always exist some small flaw no matter how miniscule. Additionally, the only way to perfectly fuse with the essence of the Divine Myriad Changes is to do so while being reborn, making it a part of your new body and DNA." After the elder was finished talking, he used a palm technique and manifested a black symbol which was far larger and fiercer than the previous symbols Gaofeng had comprehended. The aura Gaofeng felt from it was akin to that of hell. After manifesting this symbol, the elder struck down on Gaofeng's body using this symbol, making it penetrate into his flesh and fuse with it. The elder once again manifested a symbol, this time an equally fierce white symbol which had the aura of heaven. The elder repeated the process of striking Gaofeng's body and fusing the symbol with his flesh. Gaofeng didn't feel any sort of discomfort from the process, and thus he simply stood quietly and tried sensing the symbols within him. He couldn't, however. Eventually the elder stopped, but only after having stricken Gaofeng's body with a total of fifty black symbols and fifty white symbols. Taking a deep breath, the elder then pushed Gaofeng into the rebirth pool while secretly hoping that Gaofeng would successfully be reborn.