14. Learning to Live With It

Seeing him in this calmed state, Jin stood before him and slowly reverted back to her former self. Walking to each shackles, she undid the locks and watched him rise to his feet.

He was taller than a normal beast. His dark ears brushed the ten foot high ceiling before he'd even fully stretched his legs. His long tail had hints of amber between the darkened bush. Two feet of which dragged on the floor as he stepped forward. Closing his mouth to hide his pearled fangs, he reached his hand forward. Being extra careful to not drag one of his razor like claws against it, he rested her cheek on his palm.

Nuzzle against his palm, Jin smiled. "There's the man I know." Looking away, he could only thank her in his mind. Hundreds of nights has he succumb to the feral instincts of his changed genes. Only this night has he regained any hint of sanity.

Moments passed like this before his stature began to shrink. Before her eyes, Nick was once again a man. Not knowing what to say, he stared down into his hands. Confused on what just happened, he turned to Jin for answers.

"You've been living in fear and hatred for what you are. Only by steeling your will can you take charge of the change. What did you think about before you changed back?" Smiling she knew what she wanted to hear. She wanted to know how he truly felt in that moment.

"I thought of you and how I never want to see you hurt. I thought of how you clung to me earlier and how much it lifted my soul being with you again." He blushed as he spoke what was truly on his mind. He couldn't find the words to express the gratitude he was experiencing now.

Content with his answer, Jin wrapped her arms around him. "Then you'd better not let me get hurt so I can always be with you." Her smile beamed as she raised herself up to plant her lips on his.

Looking at the clock, Nick realized it was barely after midnight. Breaking free from her embrace, he walked over to his dresser and pulled out one of his t-shirts. Handing it to her with a smile he chimed "let's get some more sleep or would you like me to tire you out again?" Hesitantly Jin took the shirt from him and pulled it over her head. As tempted as she was by his offer, she knew it would break her. After all, she could barely stand in place.


The next morning, Nick woke up first. Gently removing his arm from under the sleeping woman next to him, he slipped out of bed. Grabbing a fresh set of clothes he entered the shower and let the water run over his body. The events from the night before had left his body exhausted and sweaty.

Finishing in the bathroom, he emerge to find Jin still sleeping soundly where he'd left her. He tiptoes his way out of the bedroom and silently closed the door behind him. Looking through the near empty fridge he sighed before throwing his keys, wallet and phone in his pocket.

Leaving his number on the doors identities table, Nick began his walk around the corner to a small mom-n-pop store. Slowly he began checking items off his mental list. Eggs, milk, bread...he felt as though he was forgetting something but didn't give it a second thought.

Cashing out, he made small talk with the owner of the store before calmly heading back home. This was the first time he'd said more than a couple words to the older couple in the year he'd been shopping there so it had made them happy. Nick, however, thought nothing of it. He had a goal in mind when he'd see the sleeping beauty in his bed and he wanted to achieve it.

His heart sank slightly hearing the water running in the bathroom when he'd arrived back home. Determined to do what he'd set out to, Nick got to work in the kitchen. Six fried eggs, two scrambled, two glasses of milk and half a loaf of toast. As the bathroom door opened the last of the toast popped. Setting the table for two and arranging the food evenly between them, he then went to the bathroom door.