Chapter 2

I wake up the next evening, roll out of bed, and get ready to show David why he'd made an excellent decision in agreeing to date me.

Well, okay. Agreeing to see me again. I wasn't really planning on doing much of the 'date' part.

I can barely keep myself from just showing up naked. I opt for some cut-off denim jeans that said 'I paid extra to have these ruined for me' and no shirt. That was almost the same as being naked, but kind of more like a naked gift. I had a little denim ribbon for him to unpack. And under that ribbon there was nothing but my dick.

I'm barely able to keep myself in my pants when I arrive at his place. It's not even been a full twenty-four hours and I find myself absolutely craving the taste of him. I knock twice and lean against the frame to look casual, one hand on my hips.

I smile when the door opens and his eyes go wide. "Hi, sweetie."

He swallows and opens the door the rest of the way. "Hey. Come on in."

I can feel his eyes on my legs as I walk into the sparse living room, and I smirk to myself. He's hooked. I flop onto the couch, leaning back and stretching my legs out in front of me. "So, honey, did you think about—"

"Do you like horror movies?"

I blink. "Come again?"

"Horror movies," he repeats, as if that isn't the weirdest thing someone's said to me before sex.

It isn't, but still.

"You know," he continues. "Serial killers and monsters?"

I just stare at him for a moment. His face is completely sincere; he was not joking. My brow raises as I say, "Uh, yeah. Sure."

"Good." He looks… unusually calm for someone who was about to get laid. He seems genuinely happy at my response, and I'm pretty sure he's either about to prank me, or actually make me watch a horror movie. "I'll grab my laptop and we can watch one. I have a huge collection."

He heads into what I assume is his room, leaving me alone. I rub a hand over my jaw. Was this like, snuff porn, maybe? We'd watch some woman get her throat slit open while I take his cock down mine?

Damn, David. I had no idea he was this kinky.

He comes back with his laptop, setting it on the coffee table in front of us. He opens it and types in a password before pulling up a browser filled with videos.

"These are all horror movies," he explains. "Mostly slashers, but there's anything from monster movies to demonic possessions."

I stare. It's all I can do.

This is not a sex thing.

Oh, fucking hell. Was I on a real date?

"How about this one. Dead and Buried. It's a classic."

A video opens up titled just that, starring a man with a thick mustache. We watch as the man goes around killing people in various ways, usually involving some kind of cemetery.

His own death at the end is by far the most graphic.

I have never been so unaroused in my life.

"Okay," I say as the credits finally roll. "That. Was. A lot of blood."

"Isn't it great?" He looks positively giddy. "There's another one. It's not a movie. It claims it's a real video. I can't get it out of my head."

I squint at him. The fuck happened to the man in the alley who practically dripped with sexual prowess? I was starving and there wasn't a drop of it in sight.

"Okay, sure," I relent, for some reason I don't understand. "One more."

He grins and clicks around until he pulls it up and explains, "It's pretty fucked up. But also really interesting."

The video starts, and we watch a man with long black hair walk into a room. He appears to be talking to someone, but it's inaudible. The person he's talking to isn't on camera.

I lean in as he pulls a gun out from under his shirt and holds it to his own head.

"Do you think he'll pull the trigger?" David asks in a voice breathy with anticipation.

I frown. "I assume so, yeah."

The gun fires, and even I feel a little sick. Then the same man with long black hair, holding a camera, enters the room. He leans over himself and turns off the camera.

I stare at the screen for a moment after the video ends.

"That…" I blink and opt for honesty. "Was really fucked up."

"I know, right?" David shakes his head. "I can't stop thinking about it. Is he actually dead? Like, in real life? No. Right?"

I stare at him, brow knitted together as I try to figure him out. "Honey, is this what you're into? Not judging too much. Just, you know, I want the cards on the table. I've been in some pretty wild orgies. Seen a lot of fluid in a lot of places."

"No!" He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. "No, sorry. It's just a hobby. I just… I don't know…" He sighs and closes the laptop. "Sorry. I guess this was too weird. I haven't been on a first date since high school."

For some reason, that makes my heart feel funny. I don't know what to call it, but it's… itchy? My heart itches at the thought that he's trying his best.

I sigh and wave a hand at the laptop. "Show me another one of the movies."

He looks like I just told him Santa was real. It makes my heart itch even more, so I don't look at him.

"And bring me snacks," I add, just to feel in control. "I don't think I'll vomit, but if I do, I want it to really count."

He grins and hurriedly clicks through the site again. "Okay. Yeah. Okay, this one's my favorite slasher."

As he hurries to the kitchen, I scratch at my chest like that will help. I've never indulged like this before. I wasn't even thinking about sex.

It's like I'm seeing the soft, squishy, non-gory insides of a human and I don't want to hurt them.

I call as the movie starts, "If I don't see some guts, I'm going to be seriously disappointed."

He laughs and I hear a bowl clink against a counter. "Then you are not gonna be disappointed."

I stretch out on the couch on my side and prop my head up with one arm. I don't understand why I'm watching a movie, sprawled on a human's couch, my clothes still on.

Weirdest of all? Other than being confused, I'm… not too upset.

Hear me out. The movie is actually not shit. Five minutes in and I'm already grinning.

"Oh, shit," I mutter in earnest surprise as the movie reaches its first plot twist.

I don't notice how long David takes to make the snacks, or that he's standing in the threshold to the living room, watching me with trepidation until I hear it in his voice.

"You're enjoying this," he whispers, as if saying it will make it a lie.

I wave a hand at him to beckon him back to the couch. "Hurry, you're gonna miss this bitch walk into the saw!"

There's a pause before he says, "I saw it when it came out."

"What?" I cry in mock surprise and sit up, putting a hand to my chest. "Are you telling me you watched this without me, before I knew you? Fuckin' rude."

"I was eight!" he laughs. He sets a tray of cute little sandwiches on the table beside the laptop.

"Well, fine." I plop back down and pat on the empty space. "You can make it up to me by watching it now."

He's silent for a moment, not moving closer. Not really moving at all. When I look at him, he sighs and looks away. "It's really not that great."

"Go fuck yourself." I jab an accusing finger at him. "The blood may look like ketchup, but the killer has a heart. He's not just killing them. He's giving them memories that last for the rest of their lives. All five minutes left, anyway." I kiss my fingertips. "Fuckin' beautiful."

He shakes his head, smiling again. "You're a monster."

I stuck out my tongue. "I'm not the monster who showed me a video of a dude blowing his brains out on a first date."

His shoulders tense. "I told you. It's a hobby."

I pause as I try to size him up. He's awkward, unsure. Afraid. Afraid of what? Of me? Of rejection? Sitting up, I whisper, "It felt like more than a hobby."

He finally sits down, clasping and unclasping his hands. "Okay," he finally admits. "It's… more than a hobby."

I grin. This is something I understand. I can work with this. I climb onto his lap as the woman in the movie screams.

"So," I ask, running my tongue over my teeth. "What are you into, my sweet David? Blood play? Asphyxiation? Hatefucking?"

His face turns red. "I… um." He looks down. "Theoretically, all of the above. At least in a fantasy way, but… I'm sorry. I don't normally talk about this on a first date."

I laugh and lean in. "I'll tell you a secret." I nibble on his ear as I whisper, "I don't normally do dates at all, so I guess we're both out of our comfort zone."

He lifts his head, his eyes meeting mine, a whole sea of emotion in them I don't know the names for. Slowly, he reaches up to brush a lock of hair behind my ear.

"I'm not sure what you want from me," he admits in a small, helpless voice.

I have never seen a man look more vulnerable, and it does something weird to my chest. "David…"

I suddenly feel… ah. I know this one. It's guilt.

This man is opening up to me, and he has no idea what I am.

I slide off his lap and sit with my knees hugged to my bare chest, suddenly feeling too exposed. Too… vulnerable.

"I don't think I know what I want from you, either," I whisper, avoiding his gaze. "I just… want. I want you. I've never felt this before. I… care?" I frown, the word foreign on my tongue.

Foreign, yet right.

"I care," I confirm with a nod, looking at him again.

He stares back, his eyes full of questions. He leans in slowly to kiss me, and my stomach clenches in anticipation.

I feel… Oh, fuck it. I close my eyes and enjoy it for what it is.

A kiss.

An exchange, lips to lips, heart to heart.

I pull back to look at him. "I don't know what first dates are normally like, but I think this," I say in a voice so soft I hardly recognize it as my own. I reach up and cup his cheek, gently stroking the rough stubble there. "This, right here. This is perfect."

I only wish I could give him warmth and tenderness, but I hadn't eaten all day.

I hesitate. Should I leave and find a quick snack? Why did that suddenly seem wrong?

It also seemed wrong to use him, even though I'd just fucked him the previous day. It wouldn't be any different, and yet it felt completely different somehow.

I push just a little, just a whisper of sexual desire, to see if he'll respond. Regretfully, he doesn't. He just looks at me with the same questioning eyes.

So, I take a deep breath and look back at the laptop. "After this movie, I've got to bail."

The woman in the movie slowly turns to face the camera, her lips parted as the life is drained from her. I cringe and glance away.

David leans in close. "Stay with me," he whispers, a warm breath on my ear. "Don't leave."

I blink, surprised. I can feel the thrum of desire radiate from him, but it's pure. It originates from somewhere within him that isn't just primal lust.

"Are you sure?" I ask, searching his eyes for the source of this feeling.

He smiles. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."

After a moment of hesitation, I nod, a thrill running through my veins, and I whisper, "Then I'll say."

Every nerve within me alights when our lips touch this time.

I've been in orgies with more people than I can remember and never felt this satisfied, and all we're doing is kissing. I don't even have my tongue down his throat. It's just… a soft touch.

I don't understand it, but at this point, I don't care.

My fingers slide through his hair, and he lets out a contented sigh before breaking away. "You're amazing."

"No," I protest, a little bit dizzy. "You are."

He shakes his head as his fingers trace the outline of my lips. "I'm not."

I tilt his chin up to force him to look me in the eyes. "David, trust me. I know what I'm talking about." I caress his cheek, then draw my finger down the side of his neck. "I'm still wearing my pants, and I'm not even upset about it," I continue with a grin. "Literally amazing."

He laughs, a warm sound that fills me up. His eyes shine as he says softly, "You're something else."

I lean in and kiss him again, my arms wrapping around his neck. I push him down onto the couch, but without any intent. I just want to be close to him, to hear his heartbeat with my ear to his chest.

"Hey, David?"

"Mmh?" he answers, a hum vibrating through his chest and into mine.

"I want to do this again. Watch movies with you."

The sound of his laughter is palpable, and I feel him squeeze me a little tighter. "Me, too," he says. "I'd like that."

My eyes shift to the laptop, where the movie still plays.

"I could stay like this forever," he whispers.

I almost tell him that if he had accepted my offer of being my pet, we could.

But if he had accepted, I wouldn't have seen him as anything more than food. Now, he was… more. He was special.

So, I just mumble, "Yeah. Me, too."

We watch the rest of the movie, snuggled up together. His scent fills my nose, his heartbeat soothes me, and despite how bright the laptop screen is, I somehow fall asleep.