Chapter 2. A Star in the Making?


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Simón Rodríguez's journey unfolds in 2007, a tale of triumph and transformation. At the tender age of 12, he joined the prestigious Real Madrid academy, a pivotal moment that set the stage for his meteoric rise.

Under the loving embrace of his new parents, Simón found unwavering support that fueled his ascent.

Emerging as a prominent figure in the academy, he boasted an impressive record—over 200 goals as a Left Winger for the Castilla academy.

In a pivotal match that would resonate in the hearts of fans, Simón exhibited a dazzling display of skill. Scoring 2 goals and assisting 3, he left spectators in awe. His mastery of the Cruyff Turn and a mesmerizing dribble past two defenders, culminating in a goal against the goalkeeper, drew comparisons to past football legends.

Fans, captivated by his performance, couldn't help but see echoes of greatness in Simón. As the match reached its climax, the air buzzed with anticipation. Simón's artistry on the field captured the essence of football's beauty, leaving an indelible mark on the minds of those who witnessed his prowess. Whispers of his potential to surpass even the likes of Ronaldinho and T. Henry echoed through the stadium.

Simón's Pov

The final whistle blew, and the echoes of the cheering crowd lingered in the air. My heart raced with the adrenaline of the game, a mix of exhilaration and the satisfaction of a well-fought victory. As I headed towards the locker room, the youth team coach intercepted me, his expression a curious blend of seriousness and encouragement.

"Simón," he called, gesturing for me to follow him. My footsteps quickened as we navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the stadium, the smell of freshly cut grass and the distant sounds of fans celebrating still lingering around us.

We arrived at a nondescript door, and with a reassuring nod, the youth team coach ushered me inside. The room was adorned with memorabilia of the club's storied history, and at the far end, sitting behind a desk cluttered with papers, was the head coach – a figure whose decisions could shape the trajectory of my football career.

"Simón Rodríguez, meet Coach Schuster," the youth team coach introduced me. Coach Schuster offered a warm yet scrutinizing gaze, a silent assessment of the player standing before him.

I extended a hand, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. "Pleasure to meet you, Coach."

He nodded in acknowledgment, motioning for me to take a seat. As I settled into the chair, the air seemed charged with anticipation. Coach Schuster wasted no time delving into the conversation.

"Simón, that was an impressive performance out there today," he remarked, his tone measured yet discerning. "Your skills on the field have caught our attention."

A surge of pride mingled with gratitude washed over me. This was the moment every aspiring footballer dreams of – the chance to be recognized by the head coach, to prove that the hours of training and dedication were not in vain.

"As you may know," Coach Schuster continued, "we're always on the lookout for exceptional talent, players who have the potential to make a significant impact. The first team is not out of reach for someone with your abilities."

The weight of his words hung in the air, sinking in slowly. The prospect of stepping onto the field with the senior players, wearing the iconic Real Madrid jersey, was both thrilling and humbling.

"We're considering giving you a debut in the upcoming match against Villarreal," Coach Bernd Schuster revealed, his gaze steady. "It's a chance to prove yourself on a bigger stage. Are you ready for the challenge, Simón?"

A surge of determination coursed through me. "Absolutely, Coach. I'm ready to give my all and seize this opportunity."

As the conversation unfolded, the significance of the moment became clearer – a potential turning point in my journey from the youth academy to the illustrious ranks of the first team. The meeting concluded with a sense of purpose, and I left Coach Schuster's office with a newfound determination to make the most of the upcoming debut and showcase my skills on the grand stage of Villarreal vs Real Madrid.