Questionable Serendipity

-Chapter 2-

"I'm very sorry Fujiko. I didn't think that our conversation will consume this much time."

"It's alright, really. I did enjoy our conversation together. I'll visit again tomorrow."

"Alright then, take care on your way home." She waved goodbye as we both left the room.

He hasn't come back yet...Just like he said.

We departed from the hospital afterward. It was 7:00 pm and we're currently on our way home. Grandma got very immersed in their conversation that time took them out of reality. I am to blame as well. I ended up staying before I could manage to remember the reminder.

I let my grandma sit while I stood up in front of her. There are extra seats next to her but I didn't want to occupy one of them. I prefer standing in trains.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit?" I shook my head as grandma convinced me to sit down. She knew that no matter how she asks me, I won't do it so she let me be.

Shortly after, we made our way home. Grandma quickly head to the kitchen while I went to my room to change.

Grandma was an excellent cook so all of her dishes are prepared very perfectly.

"How was it?" I munched at the tender meat, adding rice to make it more mouthwatering. I complimented the food which made her very happy. She adores how I always say good things about the food.

I handled the dishes because grandma has to sleep early. Grandma is a piano instructor who works from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. She then proceeds to the hospital to volunteer in assisting patients and sometimes entertaining them.

I asked her once if she ever gets tired of it and she answered it by telling a story. On the other hand, I usually get dragged in assistance. But I mostly declined, alibiing that I have other stuff to do—which of course, is a lie.

Although I remain to stay that way, my conscience tells me otherwise. Is it because of what happened last time?

I made sure that everything was secured. The door, the windows, the faucets, and even the cabinets before heading to my room to start a new day.


"Take care." Grandma waved goodbye as I start another journey to the land of knowledge.

The lecture was very boring. It was a strong subject but I wasn't interested in listening. Although I do get high marks on this. I'm aware that others feel the same. It's not like everyone isn't like this anyway.

Classes ended pretty much like every day, however, I have to stay later than expected. It's my turn to clean the room—I had no partners if someone's asking. I purposely asked for it.

I informed grandma about this before heading out but that didn't excuse me to go to the hospital. I'll have to leave as soon as I finished this.

Grandma is a natural worrywart. She doesn't like it when I stay at home by myself because she is worried that something might happen while she was away. It happened because I got into an accident when she was absent from home. It was a minor cut but she takes it like I was hit by a bullet. Ever since then, I wasn't allowed to stay at home by myself although she still gives me privacy.

"Welcome!" I bowed at the nurse before heading to Yumeko-san's room.

"You're early! I thought you were cleaning?"

"I finished quickly." That was all I said before sitting down. I glanced at the bed not far from us out of conscience.

He's away again...

"Did you see him last night?" Yumeko-san's question automatically caught my attention. She must be talking about him.

I nod in response. Yumeko-san smiled and faced the questionable grandma. "I told him about Yuki."

"Is that so? I was confused about what you two were talking about." Grandma and Yumeko-san continued with their conversation while I leaned on the chair, staring at the ceiling.

Yuki. That name...

I ended up staying until grandma and Yumeko-san had finished their conversation. There was a mini library next to the other bed so I took the chance to use them as my source of amusement. I didn't see this yesterday because it was behind me.

The books were quite fascinating. Does he read this? I bet Yumeko-san was the owner of these books.

His looks don't define a bookworm.


6:20 pm_ Time to go home. We bid goodbye to Yumeko-san and made our way out of her room.

Again...he didn't come.

"What would you like for dinner?"

"...Anything is fine."

"Oh don't give me that answer." Grandma smacked my back as we made out way to the elevator. Our conversation didn't end as we both argue about dinner which I seriously didn't care about. Anything is fine, that's it.

"How about Unadon?"

"Didn't we have those for breakfast?"

"Look at you, you said you want to eat anything yet complain when I say a dish."

"But it's tru—" My sentence was cut short after an unexpected event.

Someone accidentally brushed at me while I was defenseless. Unfortunately, I got at a disadvantage when the person who bumped me ended up squishing me on the floor. My eyes were focused on grandma that I did not notice that someone was heading to us.

I could tell that it was a man, seeing that his body is larger than mine from my distance.

"Yoruko! Are you alright?!" Grandma quickly rushed to my aid and helped me and the figure above me position better.

"I'm alrig—" I slightly winced when my elbow brushed through the floor. I looked at it and saw a painful bruise.

I'm very prone to bruises and cuts. Sometimes I would wake up to see a bruise from my legs for no reason. I would also easily cut myself whenever I bumped into a table corner. Grandma knew this after she saw a huge bruise on my leg months ago.

"You got a bruise again." Grandma assisted me to stand up and dust off my clothes. "Wait here, I'll get some ice."

The bruise wasn't that painful, just a little when you move. Going back to what just happened, the figure next to me didn't leave.

The moment I laid my direction to the figure next to me, that feeling went crawling back to my spine.

Another encounter with him, Yuki.

Was this on purpose? It felt so intended that I refuse to believe that everything that happened was an accident.

He was sitting on the floor, caressing his leg from the accident. Why would this guy be running in the hospital?

He finally stands up from the floor and extended his arms north. He turns his head to me after a minute and both just faced each other like a statue.

There was an awkward silence in us. None of us can't give the first chance to speak. I mean, what should we say? No one expected it to happen. I don't hold a grudge against it since I knew that it wasn't on purpose. Although our encounters are questionable in my head.

"T-This is awkward..." Said as he caressed his nape. I was at the same point as well, yet I didn't have the courage to say it.

How anxious does it feel to have courage?

I want to know...

"Listen, I-"

"Yukito! Come back here!" The command of the hospital official made its way to the cold hallway. I saw how his face changed and quickly left me alone. The official saw him and followed him to where he might go.

How impolite...

"Yoruko." The cold pack was now embedded in my elbow as grandma assisted me to a nearby seat.

"I'm alright now. Let's go home." I insisted but in failure. Grandma did not let me stand until the pain stops.

"I'm really o-"

"When I placed the cold pack in your elbow, I saw you wince. Now don't give that look Yoruko." There are times when I ended up losing to her. How often I can see these similarities between us...

We finally reached home after a long time convincing grandma. I was so tired from everything that the moment I laid on the bed, I was completely pulled by the god of slumber.

He must have adored how I was sleeping. When I woke up, it was already morning. I didn't even change into my uniform so I had no choice but to go to school with this.

I wet my hair and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs to see grandma in the kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"You didn't eat dinner last night."

"Sorry. I was tired."

"It's alright." She placed the dish on my side and we both began eating.

"You didn't change your uniform didn't you?"

"I don't have a spare." I didn't have a spare because they run out of my size. That's what the teacher informed me.

"You have to have one. Go asked for a spare later okay?"

I nod as I finished my breakfast. I left for school after and once again played the routine. There weren't many happenings in school. It's just full of lectures and lectures and then home, or should I say hospital.

We had a quiz in English and baked cookies in home economics. I saved a few for grandma and Yumeko-san to eat. I wasn't a bad cook so none of those would taste like poison.

"Good afternoon, Yoruko." Yumeko-san greeted. Grandma was in the restroom so only Yumeko-san greeted me.

Again...Not here.

"Thank you very much, I'll be sure to eat this with Fujiko later." She placed the cookies on the desk near the bed.

"I heard that you got into a small accident last night. Are your wounds alright now?" Yumeko-san is sure a talker.

I nodded faintly as she continues to build a connection with me. How can these people get so courageous?

How can they not stutter or shake?

How can they not run out of air?

How can they stay still after it?

"You should apply medicine regularly to your elbow. I think I have some in here. Let's see..." Not only that, your kindness exceeds an average person's.

Are people actually like this or is it just her?

Am I really that unsociable that I find this thing uncomfortable?

Are we really that kind?

I'm curious...


As usual, I was told to stay out. Seriously, if my job here is to take attendance and leave, then I would've just gone home. It's six in the afternoon and only a few minutes till I can go out of this place.

Would it be better if I just leave my grandma here? But I don't want to anger her and let her go home by herself.

I sigh in disappointment as there was nothing to do. I sat on the bench near and took a rest. I didn't know why, but I felt so tired. Is it because I took the stairs instead of the elevator? There were only about three floors till the rooftop is reached if I count it right. Guess my stamina might need more exercise after this.

My bruise hasn't healed yet but the pain is reducing thanks to my overreacting grandma.

I remember having a bruise on my eye though on that day.

'You know...jumping here isn't a good plan. I suggest doing it somewhere else...'

"Like I want to jump anyway, you jerk."

"Who's the jerk?"

The silence was audible until my heart beats when someone spoke next to me. I slowly turn my head and saw him, sitting beside me.

"Did I scare you?" He said while staring at me.

How long has did guy been sitting here? I didn't hear any footsteps so I was sure I was the only one on this rooftop.

"You again..."

"Hehe...I was laying down over there when I heard someone coming." He pointed to a space in the middle of the garden.

"Happy to say we meet again." There was something on his face that makes me uncomfortable for unknown reasons. His smile irritates me I don't know for sure why...

"Stop staring."

"I wasn't."


"But I was telling the truth."

This person can cause my anger to blow I swear to the heavens. But let's calm down or else this bruise on my elbow will multiply. I don't want to fight either. I don't have the energy to do so.

"You know..." Yuki said as his face got closer to mine. I was surprised but didn't want to show. I slowly move my face away but he was a rascal and moved his even closer to mine.

He stopped when there was only an inch apart from each other. What is he trying to do? Should I call the police while I'm at it?

In his mellow tone and bright smile, unexpected words pierced me like an arrow.

"Your eyes are beautiful."
