Welcome to Aberdeen!

Nigel was fast asleep when one of the guards came knocking at his door to wake him up, "Your Highness, it's already dawn. We have to start our journey soon if we want to reach to the Enchanted Valley by the midday."

Nigel had gone to sleep very late the last night. So he was having trouble in opening his eyes instantly. But he managed to answer his guard, "Okay, I will be out in a minute."

After a while, he slowly fluttered his eyes open. He had thrown the blanket to one corner of the room thinking that he wouldn't be needing it, and also because it was used by Wulfric as a towel.

But the morning was a bit chilly and he was crouching on the bed. He rubbed his arms and whispered, "So, this is how it feels to live like a commoner then. I don't think that I will even last a whole day if I were to live like commoners."

He stretched his arms and then got out of the bed. He trotted towards the door while still rubbing his arms.