Let's Tie You Up

It was already 2 in the afternoon. Adeline and Alan talked with each other for about an hour. Alan warned Adeline about Edwin and then left to do his own tasks that were assigned to him by the King.

There were still 3 hours left in her personal training session with General Osmond. She had not informed the General saying that she wouldn't be attending the training today, so even though an hour had already passed, she suspected that the General would still be waiting for her in the training ground.

So after Alan left, she rushed towards the training ground while feeling apologetic towards the General for having made him wait for her.

And as she had suspected, the General was patiently waiting for Adeline to come to the ground.

Adeline shouted from the gate itself while running towards her teacher, "I am so sorry teacher. I had some unplanned meeting with Prince Alan and I could not even inform you that I would be late. Sorry to have kept you waiting."