Accidental Kiss

Meanwhile, Adeline was oblivious to the scheming of her brothers and sisters which they had planned against her. She was in her quarter and was lying down on her bed, thinking about the argument that she had with Nefriti.

Though it was Nefriti's fault for lying to her and then accusing her of not keeping their secret, Adeline was feeling remorseful for snapping back at Nefriti like that. "They were just starting to warm up to me and I shouted at Nefriti like that. I could have said that same thing in a softer tone. I am sure Nefriti is still angry at me."

She turned to her side and sighed. "I hope they won't start treating me like an outsider again."

Adeline threw her hands and feet and wriggled on the bed like a little child while shouting at the top of her lungs, "Aaaaaahhhhhhh! Why did I have to scare Nefriti away? They must all be thinking that I am a rude brat."

"Adeline, are you alright?" Adeline heard Hawisa's voice from outside.