
The next day passed as usual for Adeline. She went to her group training. And to her relief, her brothers and sisters weren't acting any different. Then she went to her personal training and returned to her quarter.

And before she had her dinner, she went to the stable to feed Rion and spend some time with him as usual. She reached the stable and went to the stall where Rion would be. But to her surprise, her horse wasn't tied there.

"Did someone tied him somewhere else?" She looked around to check if the stablemen had tied him up in some other stall but Rion was nowhere to be seen.

One of the stablemen saw the Princess in the stable and came running to her assistance. He bowed his head to the Princess and politely asked, "Your Highness, shall I bring Rion's food?"

Adeline gave a stern look to the stableman and asked while pointing at the empty stall, "Where is Rion?"