Demonic Power

Theodore took them through the forest that was behind the Palace. With the speed that they were traveling at, they reached there at the forest in less than half an hour.

When the Palace was in view, Theodore slowed down the horse and then said, "Alright, I will meet you in your room… that is if you are left alone by your maids and others."

"I don't think I will be sleeping peacefully tonight. I will have to lie to everyone where I was." Adeline twisted down the corner of her lips.

"I hope you won't lie to me. I want to hear everything when the others leave you. See you later." Theodore said while planting a kiss on Adeline's forehead. And then he disappeared from there.

Adeline took a deep breath in and turned around to take control of her horse. Then she rode towards the Palace. She entered the Palace using the back gate. She noticed that there were more guards than usual.

Two of the guards hurriedly opened the gate and then bowed to the Princess.