
Upon hearing that revelation from Theodore, Adeline was taken by surprise and almost choked on the grapes that she had popped into her mouth to calm down her nerves. "Just what is he up to? Revealing himself like that?" Adeline thought to herself.

And then she crossed her fingers that he wouldn't reveal anything more than that… that he wouldn't reveal anything about the romantic relationship between them.

Rhea simply smiled disregarding what Theodore had just said, even though she was seeing a faint dark aura surrounding him. She thought that Theodore was referring to himself as the 'Devil Prince' because maybe he had the reputation of being a mischievous Prince among the lot.

And she was about to politely deny to Theodore saying how he could be a 'Devil' Prince when he looked so beautiful but before Rhea would say something to offend the Devil, Nigel decided to reintroduce Theodore.