
Theodore took the two of his guests and Adeline back to the Palace early in the morning. He left Adeline in her room and then teleported the puppies in Nigel's quarter. He didn't want Nigel to run back to his quarter almost naked.

Nigel and Rhea thanked Theodore for his hospitality and every other thing that he did for Nigel and Adeline.

Nigel was especially happy to know that his sister had also found someone who was willing to keep her happy and safe. He had time to reflect upon his yesterday's action and he also had time to think about Theodore. And he wondered why he was even angry when Theodore claimed to be Adeline's future husband.

After all, Theodore was the best possible suitor that Adeline would ever get. He was powerful, he had a good heart, and most of all he loved Adeline very dearly. Nigel only hoped that he could love Rhea the same way that Theodore loved his little sister.