Clever Answer

All the Princes and Princesses were given a special ride back to the Palace. Each of them rode on the back of a Wyvern and one by one, they all set towards their home. Though most of them were sad for failing the test, they were enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of riding those breathtaking creatures.

Adeline was the last one standing beside Azriel. The two of them were standing on top of a hill under the bright moonlight. This hill was where Azriel resided with all of his dragons. There was a Wyvern on standby to take Adeline back to the Palace.

Azriel was giving some advice and was saying some remaining bits of information to Adeline.

"I have already sent a scroll to Dragomir announcing that you have been selected as the future ruler. Go home and enjoy the last night of your freedom. After tomorrow, you are going to be very busy. Your life is going to change drastically.