Meeting of the Like-Minded

"Your Majesty, we should really do something about the food shortage. Else the people will burn down the Palace in no time." The Chief Advisor was still pestering King Reginald who was sitting leisurely on his throne and enjoying his jasmine tea.

"Then I will burn down all of their houses," Reginald said very lightly and shrugged off his shoulders.

The Chief Advisor, Lord Horace, let out a quiet sigh and then murmured to himself, "If this goes on like this then there won't even be any houses left to burn."

"Did you say anything, Chief Advisor?" King Reginald raised one of his brows and glared at Lord Horace.

Before Lord Horace could deny that, one of the guards came inside the throne hall and bowed to the King. And then he delivered a message, "Your Majesty, Her Majesty Queen Lillian of Wyverndale is here to see you. She is requesting a meeting with you, Your Majesty."