Marriage Proposal

The moment Adeline stepped inside the Court, a Royal Guard approached her and bowed, "Your Highness, His Majesty has asked me to escort you to the meeting room. Please follow me."

Adeline gave a nod to the guard and followed him.

She was led to one of the meeting rooms which she had never entered before. That room was strictly reserved for dignitaries from other nations. Though Theodore and Azriel were technically not from another Kingdom, they were still here as guests from another Kingdom. So it was only fitting that they were having a meeting in that room.

When the Princess was in front of the door, the guard bowed again and left.

And Adeline took some moment to herself. Though the sons of God were no strangers to Adeline, she was still nervous because of the obvious fact. She was scared thinking that her life was about to take a completely different turn again.