
George was very restless by the time he reached his hideout place.

"What do I do? Do I run back to Mihir again and inform the King about this unfortunate development?" George paced back and forth while holding his arms behind his back.

"No! He might even kill me for delivering this unfavorable news! He is one unpredictable vampire." He took in a deep breath and pushed his dark hair back in frustration.

He dropped on his bed and replayed his conversation with the messenger and what he read in the invitation letter. He was trying to find some leverage that he could have missed.

"So that Second Prince came to the Palace yesterday… and the marriage was fixed yesterday itself…" he tapped his finger on his forehead and kept on whispering to himself, "and the marriage is after two weeks… why is it going to happen so fast? Normally, the preparations for the Royal wedding take months or even a year! So what's going on here?"