
The egocentric King didn't take a second to close the gap between him and King Dragomir.

Adeline had only blinked and Reginald was already choking her father while showing his elongated fangs.

And he snarled like the animal he was, leaving Dragomir bamboozled, "That is where you are wrong, you old geezer. I am completely armed."

"And so is he." Reginald heard a voice coming out of thin air and something unseen grabbed his hand that he was using to choke Dragomir.

"What the hel–" before Reginald could even complete his sentence and before Dragomir could register what was happening right in front of his eyes, Reginald was sent flying.

Reginald's back hit the stone wall of that meeting room and a huge crack appeared there.

Seeing her brother being thrown into the air by something unseen, Rebekah also went into defensive mode and bared her fangs.