
Reginald tapped two of the guards who were protecting him and gestured them to distract Theodore. And he shouted, "Kill everyone outside! Massacre everyone. Don't leave a single person alive in this Palace."

And immediately on cue, those two guards ran out of the room. The other four guards who were still standing also followed the suit and ran outside, leaving Theodore.

Adeline's heart dropped when she heard Reginald shout that order. She felt weak in her knees imagining the corpses of her family members.

Theodore was confused for a fraction of a second as to stay inside and protect Adeline and Dragomir, or to chase after those vampires who were already grabbing a human each, ready to bite their head off. Some were already sinking their fangs on the guards and panic was ensuing all around the King's Court.

In the end, Theodore thought of knocking out those six vampires at first.