Unforgivable Sin

"And you didn't stop there, Theodore. You kept on piling up your mistakes just because I was silent."

God gave a furious look to Theodore and threw in his other sins, "You may not have directly killed other Earthlings but you have led countless of others to their deaths – the witch of Mystic Coven, the villagers of Mihir, the maids of Edwin, the General's daughter… I can go on and on."

The almighty glanced at Adeline and back at Theodore. "I should have intervened the moment you shared your power with a human, that also a child at that. Yet, I turned a blind eye even when I knew you would end up falling for her if I let her be."

"Just like you took a pity on this child, I pitied my son." He paused for a while, despising his son whose hands were laced in the blood of one of his creations. "But that was a big mistake from my side. I should have snuffed the bud of love before it had even begun."