Tugging for Affection

Azriel was as affected by the wedding vibes as everyone else in Wyverndale.

His rebellious younger brother was going to get married to a human, that also on earth, and by following the human tradition. So, he was bound to be affected.

"Ah! I've never been invited to a human wedding ceremony before. I am so excited to finally have been invited to one." He was talking to himself while trying on the golden robe that he had prepared especially for the wedding ceremony.

"I want to see how humans get married when they don't even have floating clouds to bring the bride and the groom together."

"And how do they make the flower petals to shower?" He thought for a while and made a guess, "Do they have the servants to hang down from the ceiling and throw the petals down with their hands?"

"But that doesn't sound right… Do they even shower the bride and the groom with flowers? Ooh! I'm already so curious."