A Wish

Both Theodore and his father were surprised when Adeline defensively stepped in front of Theodore like that.

Theodore's father glanced at his daughter-in-law and asked a question to gauge her heart, "Are you willing to fight me for Theodore's sake?"

Adeline didn't stop maintaining her eye contact with the almighty when she answered fearlessly, "Please forgive my impoliteness, but if Lord Immortal is here to fight his son then I am more than willing to put my life in the line for my husband's sake."

"Adeline! Don't say such things!" Theodore tried to pull her aside and away from his father's direct line of sight but Adeline insisted on standing in front of him like a shield.

The God was lost for words for a while. But after a few seconds, he merrily laughed at that reaction from the newlyweds, especially Adeline. And he said to Adeline, "Ease up, child. I am not here to snatch away your husband or give punishments to anyone else."