
"Yes, I married a Devil."

That confession from Adeline elicited a variety of reactions.

Wulfric, who was trying to claw away Fenris' chokehold, abruptly let his hands hang loose. And he looked up again to see Theodore. This time, he realized why his brother was trying to hold him off. He could see the terrifying dark aura that was looming around Theodore.

The Queen Mother was ready to take out a little cross sign that she always carried in her small purse. She was going to slap that cross across that 'evil' Devil's face and send him back to Hell.

Thankfully, Queen Claricia noticed her mother touching that cross and grabbed her mother's hand. She shook her head and gave that 'don't' do anything stupid' look to her mother.

Queen Tasha was still waiting for Adeline to laugh and say that she was messing with all of them.