
Adeline slowly fluttered her eyes open. It took a few blinks for her eyes to regain focus. She stared at the ceiling for a while. The texture on the rocks looked clearer for some reason. And somehow, she could also focus her eyes to see inside the slight cracks in between the rocks.

"I wonder how my eyesight improved." She trailed her eyes around and she was amazed by how vibrant the colors looked than before. She could see colors that she never knew existed.

"Is it the side effect of that circle breaking? I hope nothing bad happened."

She could see a faint purple aura that was hovering around her. Soon, her attention was caught by the golden aura that was hovering around in the room.

Her eyes followed the golden aura to the far corner of the room that she was in.

"Azriel?" she thought to herself while looking at the Dragon Immortal who was sitting on a chair. He was resting his chin on his palm and was sleeping peacefully.