
"Princess?" Adeline's eyes were filled with horror when she saw the sight that she had not been able to erase or suppress from her mind. She saw the person who would often haunt her in her dreams.

Rebekah already had a hole at the side of her stomach. Her hands were already starting to turn grey. And her face... it had immense hatred towards Adeline.

The memory was very fresh in Adeline's mind. The memory of the day she bathed in Rebekah's cold blood. Though she had already rationalized that kill as self-defense, the guilt that she had buried deep down in her mind came swirling out in the open.

A sinister smile appeared on Rebekah's face as she tightened her fist. "Die!" she screamed before slamming that fist right on Adeline's chest.

Adeline was thrown away with just a single punch and harshly landed on the ground.