Hey Sweetheart!

"A ravager?"

A big brown wolf was staring at Adeline with its white eyes. The way it was glaring at Adeline and the way it was salivating made it very apparent that the wolf was no longer able to differentiate between friends and foes.

The fur around its mouth was smeared in blood. Human blood.

And the only things that were in that wolf's mind at the moment were – blood, flesh, and kill.

Agnes tightened her grip on the reins of her horse. She looked around to see a trail of ruthlessly mangled human bodies. "Oh dear lord! That wolf is already far gone…" she mumbled to herself.

"What do I do with this ravager?" Adeline shouted and asked the others, even though she pretty much knew what needed to be done.

"Kill it!" Agnes shouted back without missing a beat. "It can't be saved anymore. It no longer has its human side."

Adeline had only touched her sword when that wolf made its move.