Out of Luck?


Adeline flinched and abruptly closed her eyes when a handful of dirt hit her face.

Everyone who had thought that the war was over and that Mihir had accepted its defeat was stunned by that stunt pulled off by Reginald.

Adeline's eyes hurt a lot. She tried to open them immediately after but she was unable to do so as a lot of dust had gone inside them.

"Fooled you!" she heard Reginald shouting and mocking her.

Adeline was dumbfounded by what had just happened. She couldn't believe how lightly Reginald used the word 'surrender', that also in a war!

And while she was still blinking rapidly to get rid of the dirt that went in her eyes, she felt a tug in her waist.

She thought that Reginald was going to attack her while she wasn't able to see properly. "Even animals have better ethics than him!" she thought to herself.