Shadow Demon

Damien shuddered when he felt the hot and painful grip around the ankle of his left foot.

He felt as though his heart dropped from his chest and reached down to his stomach. And simultaneously, a chill shiver ran down from the root of his wings to his tailbone.

That clawed hand swiftly pulled his leg in order to drag him inside the shadow portal.

"Oh crap!" it was all that Damien could think when his body got flung backward in the air due to the sudden pull.

The leader of the enemy clan, Mammon, had asked some of his underlings to kidnap the boy. He knew that the boy was Lilith's greatest weakness. Thus, he wanted to use Damien as the bait for his negotiation with Lilith.

In his quest to gain more territory and wealth, there was nothing that Mammon wouldn't do. After all, just like most of the demons, he was greedy and self-centered.