The Seven

"Damien disappeared? How?"

"Yes, he got–" Lucifer was about to answer when he was abruptly disturbed.

"Damien disappeared?" Leviathan also repeated what Theodore had asked because he thought that it was someone they all knew. He had a habit of mixing up names so he asked as if he also knew someone by the name of Damien.

Satan rested his cheek on his fist and asked nonchalantly, "Am I the only one who doesn't know who this Damien is?"

Lucifer cleared his throat and looked towards the closed doors of the meeting room they were in. With a flick of his fingers, he set up a barrier so that their discussion wouldn't leak out of the room.

He especially didn't want Lilith to hear the discussion that happened inside because he could guess what kind of turn the meeting was going to take.

After putting up the auditory barrier, Lucifer replied while maintaining his intimidating aura and in his commanding voice, "Damien is the son of Lilith."