The Old Man

Theodore wasn't the only one who foresaw the relationship between Ariel and Damien growing into something more.

But unlike Theodore, He wasn't worried. At least for now. He was eagerly waiting for the future.

"You seem to be in a happy mood," the Goddess sarcastically commented after seeing her husband in the garden smiling to himself.

And God replied in an equally mocking tone, "Ah! Yes. Despite my lovely wife doing everything in her power to ensure my sadness, I found a small reason to be happy."

The Goddess frowned and asked, "Don't tell me you are still obsessing over our granddaughter and trying to write her fate."

The almighty had a mysterious smile on his face.

He looked at his wife's evergreen face and asked instead, "Ariel is extremely curious by nature. Do you think that those barriers can contain our granddaughter? Do you think you can 'protect' her from the greatness that is already in her fate?"