Blood Magic

"My blood… it's a weapon!"

Damien fluttered his wings and splattered his blood in excitement. A series of explosions resounded throughout the area.

Damien smirked and inhaled the burnt smell that lingered around him.

And he exclaimed again, "I can do blood magic!"

Blood magic was one of the rarest dark magic even in the Hell realm. Those with the ability to do blood magic could either control their or everyone else's blood.

Some could make the spilled blood explode just like Damien. Some could gather the spilled blood to turn them into a blood weapon. While the rarest of the rarest could even control the blood flowing inside the veins, especially of others.

Damien wanted to keep on exploding his blood. However, he had almost healed completely by now. Only a few slim cuts were there on his body instead of the deep ones.