Moving On

"There's no such thing as constant in life. You taught that to me."

Theodore gave a mirthless smile to his daughter and nodded. "Yes, I did say that to you once."

"I can't forever get hung up on the friend who gave up on the friendship. Hopefully, in the future, I will earn some friends who won't get scared because of one lousy fight and run away," Ariel grinned at her parents.

Though she was smiling and grinning a lot, it was evident that she was not happy with what she said. She was literally on fire.

Adeline calmly approached her daughter and placed her palm on Ariel's shoulder. The moment she did that, she absorbed the high flames from Ariel's body and turned them into embers. And finally, it died down.

"Oh," Ariel gave a nervous chuckle and apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I was on fire." She gave a guilty smile and added, "I need to learn how to control it better."