Meeting of the Cousins

Tobias closed his eyes and thought back to what he had seen just a while ago.

"Ariel was not controlling the water to create a gap. But she was controlling the air to push the water away. Just how many elements can she control?"

He opened his eyes and glared at Endeavor with hateful eyes.

His blood boiled upon thinking back to the times the faeries had brought back reports saying that Ariel just knew how to control water and earth elements. They had reported to his father saying that since the incident in Mihir, she had given up on using magic.

"Given up on magic, huh." He chuckled angrily and thought, "Those faeries dared to bring back false reports? Just wait and watch what I will do to them."

He hardened his glare on the ship and thought, "But before doing anything to them, let's do something to her."

Tobias controlled the water around him to transport himself close to Endeavor.