Face-off - I

It was 6 in the morning and was already time for everyone to wake up. The personal servants and maids of the Princes and Princesses came and knocked on the respective doors of their masters.

In the end, most of them didn't even get a good three hours of sleep.

The Princes and Princesses of Wyverndale were going to have breakfast at 7:30 with the dignitaries of Brenalia. So, they needed to groom themselves before attending the breakfast.

"Osanna, you're already here?" Ariel unlocked the door for Osanna from her bed and mumbled in a little rough morning voice.

Osanna merrily walked inside the room and greeted the Princess. And she asked the Princess in a cheerful voice, "I hope you had a wonderful night, Ariel."

"No... Can't I sleep for 5 more minutes?" Ariel asked for more sleep because she was still feeling way too sleepy.

Osanna smiled and agreed. "Sure. 5 more minutes won't hurt. I will prepare the bath for you by then."