Something Funny

After a while, all of the guards had also gathered near that barn. They were busy tending to the tired and some scared horses. And they were tying them up and letting those horses rest.

Damien had unwillingly accepted his defeat since no one was willing to recognize him as the victor.

And now that the matter was settled, and no one was shaving their head, they were getting ready to head towards the town.

But before that, they had to find clothes and shoes for Niylah.

"Shall I rush to the town and pick up something for you? For temporary use?" Ariel asked Niylah.

However, Damien suggested something better to Ariel, "Why don't you teleport to the castle with Niylah? It will take less time to find the clothes and shoes since… it's already there."

Ariel slapped her on her forehead and smiled, "Right! I completely forgot about that."